Creativity and Electricity

Most can agree that the lack of electricity on the island of La Gonave is a major problem.  While there is a public utility company in Anse-a-Galets, the power is only on for a few hours each day.  While that can be sufficient for some, if they have solar panels and batteries, it doesn't benefit most.  At night street vendors are illuminated by the passing motorbike lights.

So many issues plague the electric issue on the island.  The geography makes connecting remote places tricky, and urban areas are often too difficult to provide power due to the lack of physical dwellings.

So creativity is needed to help solve the issue on the island of La Gonave with respect to electricity.  Obviously solar power is going to be the best bet going.  Solar is getting more affordable daily, it is quick to implement, typically less maintenance, and Haiti has a large volume of sun.  The typical solar setup is using large batteries used in golf carts or tow motors.  Could you possibly get Tesla involved to help make a better battery for solar applications?

Keep in mind Telsa makes electric cars, and now they are making them a bit more affordable.  Soon the idea is that cars will sell for $35,000.  Now keep in mind these cars are high tech vehicles all for about $35,000.  Cut out the car, and only using the battery, you could see that for a small amount of money you can have several large batteries that can be bought from Tesla.  Also Tesla is building a 1 gigawatt factory in Nevada.  This plant will be the change in lowering the cost of batteries, making the idea of using Tesla batteries in La Gonave all the more possible.  Couple this with Telsa's charging station technology and solar panels, it can be a change for La Gonave.

Obviously this is far away, but not something that is 20 or even 10 years away, but much sooner!  Creating a small power plant that would only provide power to say a small industrial park is key to developing La Gonave.  Then putting homes under their own solar panels with small Trojan batteries, and outfitting those homes with LED lighting is how you solve the lack of power in homes.  Therefore is the power goes down at the industrial park, it doesn't affect homes.  Building such a power plant is by far cheaper than a $1 billion coal plant, which you would have to constantly provide coal and use ships to bring it in, all of which would need a specific seaport that has the proper infrastructure in place to do so.

Creativity and Electricity are what is needed to help solve the power problem on the island of La Gonave.

Go Gonave!


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