Types of beekeepers we will create from this project and skill set.

Part of the basics in understanding bees will be through education.  This will not only educate about bees, but also protection of the bee's habitat.

The bee courses will be broken down into Biology, Management, and Industry.  Based on which track one follows will determine their role in beekeeping.

With that said, there will be different levels of a beekeeper.  Some will be apprentices and work under someone to gain a better understanding of bees and ways to improve the bee's habitat.  The apprentice would not own bees, but would assist in the bee program.  Below explains the different levels of being a beekeeper.

Apprentice - As mentioned an apprentice is someone who is just getting into beekeeping.  This is someone who has some or no hands-on knowledge of beekeeping.  This person also may not have had any formal education with beekeeping.
Certified Beekeeper - Is above an apprentice.  They have taken at least two courses in two of the tracks, past a written test, and a practical test of manipulating a hive of bees.
Field Beekeeper -Has taken at least 6 of the courses in at least two of the tracks.  They have passed a written test on both tracks, a tools test, and bee anatomy.  Must have 2 years of beekeeping experience of running a hive at our program.
Master Beekeeper - Has their own hive and has chosen a track to specialize in or have taken 10 different courses and passed them successfully.  Sometimes they may go beyond education provided and even attended beekeeping school.  They have at least 3 years experience, must be able to successfully rear Queens.  Also must pass a Master Beekeeping written exam, and a practical test.  Also master beekeepers must explain each part of the hive, it's purpose, and how to build a complete hive box.
Master Level II Beekeeper - Must have all of the same as a Master Beekeeper, but must be able to do an oral exam.  Must have been a Master Beekeeper for 2 years.  Written a detail report on bee subject matter.  Must have taken 15 courses and passed successfully.  Have taught other beekeepers (Level Apprentice to Field Beekeeper) and put them successfully through their respective program.  Must pass practial test, be able to present their report to other beekeepers and answer their questions.  Must get recertification every 6 years.  Must be able to understand bee habitat and actively participate in helping the bee's habitat.  Must be able to communicate to different size audience in Haitian Creole, and in English.

As you can see, this will be a well planned and thought out program.  It gives people on La Gonave something to strive for.  This is the education I was talking about.  It will establish a long term solution to many issues on La Gonave.  It will educate basics up to the complex.  Also this program will allow folks to choose what level they want to go.  Some may choose to understand why deforestation is bad.  Some may choose to just understand the honeybee.  Some may choose to get into queen rearing only and start up a business selling bees.  Someone may go into a wax business and sell products.

This project allows Haitians to decide their own future, and take this helping hand to decide their future.

Go Gonave


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