Fares for minibus system
Building a mini bus line is something that I have been talking about for the last few posts. One indication of when we are planning stuff here is when we put a lot of conversation into it. The mini bus line will allow for the island to have better transit, but also those who don't/won't use transit, it will build roads which will allow for more industry to enter into the market. So with that said, how much will the fares be for the minibus system? I think that many things have to be considered when building a transit system, and the cost of fare and where the system will go are very important. The idea is for the transit system to pay for itself. Advertising banners can be added to the interior of the bus, either on a display screen, or ad banner on the wall. The stations could also have advertising, as well as ads on the outside of the bus. The other parts of financing will be building retail and residential units that are part of the bus stops....