Phase 2 of honeybee fodder program

The honeybee fodder program relies heavily on the newly formed La Gonave Wildflower Association.  This association will grow and plant the various wildflowers and trees needed to support a large scale honeybee operation on the island of La Gonave.

Currently in Haiti hives don't produce a large supply of honey.  The hives produce enough for them to survive and then a little extra honey, but not large extra stores of honey.  The problem is due to the lack of flowers and trees that honeybees rely on.  The use of trees to support the charcoal cooking industry has a massive effect on the environment.  Many plants can't exist in full sun, but love the climate of Haiti.  With the clearance of big trees, it affects these plants.  So with our cooperative, we have a responsibility to get off on the right foot. 

The second phase of the honeybee fodder program is now starting.  The idea is that we will now supply plants that will aid in the health of the bee.  The first group of plants were to provide nectar, so we had some heavy nectar bearing plants.  Some of the plants provided some pollen, but not a large amount.  Now we are sending mostly herbal plants that will supply pollen and help the honeybee fight against pests.

The final phase of the fodder program will be of a decorative plant that will provide both pollen and nectar.  This plant will not be able to currently survive in Haiti, due to the soil conditions and lack of strong vegetation.  So in other words, this plant needs a large amount of nutrients in the soil and the soil has to be well draining.

So we are very happy about these developments.  Some of these plants will be edible and some bear actual fruit that can be made into pies.  All of the plants will be able to reseed on their own and will allow them to naturally spread on the island in areas where it is natural fit.

Go Gonave!


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