Cost of doing business in Haiti is way too high!

As I have been told and even expereienced, the cost of doing business in Haiti is too high.  This can be said when doing business with the private and public sector.  I will focus on the private sector.

Given that Haiti is one of the poorest places in the world, and given that it is the poorest country in the Northern Hemisphere, the cost of doing business is very expensive.  I live in Seattle, WA where the average house price is $500,000 US.  The average apartment (1bdrm) is about $1,400 to $1,800 and we are talking a very small space of 480 to 650 sq ft.  With that said Seattle also has many billionaires who call it home.  It is the world headquarters of Expedia, Costco, Microsoft, Starbucks, Amazon, and Warehauser, to name a few.  Also the worlds richest man, Bill Gates call Puget Sound home.

So it is understandable that America's fastest city is expensive to live and do business.  Haiti on the other hand is also very pricy to do business.  Just looking at hotel costs, they rival many American cities and with much less amenities.  Just basic services and products can be more expensive in Haiti than in many American communities.  Keep in mind the minimum wage in the US is much greater than that of Haiti.

The only way Haiti will improve in business is to lower the cost to do business.  It is destroying the country!  Some will say due to the lack of this or that, the costs are higher.  Well in many African countries they also lacked many resources yet hotel prices, and buying a vehicle can be cheaper.

In my opinion if I was selling rabbits, I would try to sell them as low as possible so that more of the product would move.  You shouldn't sell rabbits for the price that someone in South Florida is selling them.  There are some in Haiti with decent means, meaning they make more than enough to take care of their family.  The vast majority don't fit that description.  So it is no wonder that building the economy of Haiti is a long road.

Now I am not here to just talk about the negatives.  There are many positives that Haiti has going for it.  If it is to ever have a strong tourism economy, the hotel prices must come down, or one should be able to expect a very nice hotel if they are paying over $150 US per night.  Having Wealthy country prices in an impoverished country doesn't help the person selling the goods, it destroys the country as the barriers to entry (to do business) is so high that many companies will not choose to do business.

Go Gonave!


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