Test planting of Bidens Pilosa

As  I mentioned in a previous post, we ordered Bidens Pilosa (Photo 1.2).  These wildflowers are a key plant that Floridian honeybees use for honey.  The plant can flower throughout the year.  The plant also has many healthy benefits for people.

Today we test planted the seeds on top of the soil.  We have a small greenhouse test box that will mimic the temperature and humidity of Haiti.  We will test how fast the seeds germinate, how fast the plants grow, and just gaining basic data on the plant.

The Bidens Pilosa will form a future Forest Floor for La Gonave.  To understand the forest floor of what Haiti is suppose to look like, see photo 1.0.

Photo 1.0

The Bidens Pilosa doesn't tolerate shade, but initially it would form the forest floor.  (Photo 1.1)

Photo 1.1

Once the Under Storey and canopy is developed by Moringa and Banana Trees, the Bidens Pilosa will soon fade away and grow only in areas that lack the canopy cover.  The great thing is other flowering plants will then replace the Bidens Pilosa to take advantage of the shade.  In the meantime the Bidens Pilosa will provide ground cover and hold more soil in place.

Stay tuned as we will update the growth of the Bidens Pilosa and how we will distribute the seeds to La Gonave.

Photo 1.2


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