Bidens Pilosa have been planted

Our efforts to reforest La Gonave and aid in the honeybee project got a boost on March 11, 2015.  At our North American facility in Seattle, WA we planted Bidens Pilosa in a greenhouse that will mimic the environment in La Gonave, Haiti.  The Bidens Pilosa exists in Haiti, and often in the US you will see the plant along roadways.  The plants help pull pollution out of water, thus it is very helpful in filtering water, and pulling water into the ground.

The Bidens Pilosa will be a major contributor to the honeybee project on La Gonave.  In Florida the plant is a major source of nectar for honeybees.  Also the plant is planted amongst mango trees to help pull nitrogen out of the soil.  Too much nitrogen and mangos don't manage well.

We are excited that we are starting the first steps of producing wildflowers on a scale to be planted on La Gonave.  While the plant does exist on the mainland, there has not been any confirmed reports of the flower existing on La Gonave.  We will be working on other plans for reforestation on a micro-scale, stay tuned!


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