Bidens Pilosa, day 4 and over an inch tall.

So to do an update on the Bidens Pilosa, which are only 4 days old and over an inch tall.  These plants are very vigorous in their growth.  When I go to La Gonave in October I will be there for about a week.  I know now what to expect as far as these plants are concerned.  Literally before I head home, these plants will already get their start.  Keep in mind while our setup does mimic the conditions on La Gonave, it isn't ideal.

The soil is of better quality than what is on La Gonave, however in areas where we plant wildflowers we will treat and condition the soil with natural fertilizer and compost.  Given the humidity, full sun, and good fertilized soil, I expect these plants to do even better in the environment.

As you can see, the sprouts are growing very fast.  This is a real example of how we can create a successful product regardless of the environment.  The best strategy for the honeybee program is to have plants that can grow fast and reach maturity very quickly.  Keep in mind these plants will grow to about 2 feet and stay that size in the hot climate of Haiti.  The plants will then seed and continue to have those seedlings bloom.  An excellent source of nectar and pollen, the wildflower will be another source of food.  Giving the honeybee options is key so that they are not dependent on just one source.

Go Gonave!


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