Vetiver grass could be the solution for many applications.

La Gonave is currently being studied as a fodder assessment.  This assessment will determine how to stabilize food crops for people, and animals.  Not only that but the assessment will find ways to fast track vegetation in sections of the island.

The purpose of re-forestation is to bring the environment back to where it was.  Other programs we are running are finding ways that stoves and ways to produce alternatives to charcoal.  These programs are all dependent on each other.  To stop the massive amount of deforestation a fuel alternative is needed.  Vetiver is an option for cooking fuel.  While other programs such as Sunn Hemp will focus on compost measures, Vetiver will focus on building the environment on La Gonave.

Vetiver will clean the area where it is planted, and it stays in place.  So there is no concern about the plant landing in areas where it shouldn't be, in fact the seeds from the grass are sterile.  The plant traps bacteria, and also keeps many pest away.  It is good for nitrogen fixing and can tolerate poor soil.  Vetiver also can be cut down and turned into fuel for outdoor stoves.

This is what Vetiver looks like.  The starter program on La Gonave, will possibly be planted along the coast line as well.  To stop the soil from flowing out to sea, a ribbon of vetiver like this is very important. Vetiver is considered Stage 1 of our reforestation efforts.

I will post another blog which talks about the first few stages of reforestation as well as the honey bee project, which is dependent on reforestation.

Go Gonave!


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