Let the rne (rebirth) begin

When you look at Haiti as a whole, there are so many challenges.   Often it seems very overwhelming when you see that everything is needed.  By everything, education, housing, clean water, sanitation, jobs, energy, security, etc. 

Gonave has a unique chance to get this right with the correct leadership.  With the right leadership that isn't afraid to make bold change, and believes in selfless thoughts, Gonave can have a rebirth of sorts.  Many have promised Haiti a rne, or Rebirth after the earthquake.  Many places are still waiting years after it happened.  Much of the billions of dollars promised have yet to reach Haiti, and many NGO's or non-governmental agencies pocketed the money for operation costs.  Much of the money was lost due to corruption within Haiti itself. 

Citizens have to be smarter and demand change.  This isn't to turn Gonave into an independent nation.  This isn't to rally against Haiti.  This IS to demand that Haiti give Gonave the chance to rne.  Gonave can do this by simply being it's own Special Administrative Region.  Due to corruption, violence, money mismanagement, etc, investors will not come to Haiti.  Due to Gonave being a part of Haiti, it is guilty by association.  At Let's Build Gonave, Haiti, we hear the investors, in fact, we are one ourselves.  Due to massive amounts of red tape and the issues I mentioned above, it destroys any chance of a rne.  So let the rebirth begin.

We will start small.  First thing is developing a successful, yet small honey farm on Gonave.  Secondly, we will establish a small monthly magazine on the island.  Third we will setup a few small libraries on the island.  While these seems minor, they are important.  Honey production will be a future investment in health and wealth.  With all of the production going to the people of Gonave, and education on raising bees, it makes complete sense to start this.  A small monthly magazine will be launched, with both online and print available.  This is to provide the people of Gonave information and education.  Finally libraries will teach reading and writing, but also allow books to be loaned out.

A rebirth is a second chance.  When looking at Gonave, one has to ask if Gonave was ever given a chance?  It isn't about wonderful speeches, nice suits, or playing traditional music.  It isn't about leadership saying give me, it's about leadership saying Let's Build Gonave, Haiti.  It is easy for those without to fall prey to people with one agenda.  It has happened to Haiti many times.  Ask yourself this question, if you are not making the decisions on your future on each and every event, why allow others to do so.  It is one thing if they are giving.  Many NGO's to their defense has built schools, hospitals, etc.  These NGO's hold no power on your future however.  Some local leaders and fringe groups that have been around for decades have done nothing more than throw around propaganda.  That propaganda raises money for them and their ilk, but the people of Gonave don't get a single penny.

Gonave it is your chance, you can go with the same false promises of the past.  OR!  Allow Gonave a second chance, and Let's Build Gonave Haiti.  Get involved in the discussion on this blog and invite others to join here or via Google +


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