It's all about honey!

This is your typical honey bee hive box which is made by a company in Oregon.  While these hive kits are about $150.00 US, these would be ideal for starting the honey farms on Gonave.  Hives generally create about about 100 or more lbs of honey per year.  Not only that, but you can do much more than produce honey, such as using the wax for soaps and lotions, amongst other things.

The idea is to get about 4 hives started to see how well these boxes work on Gonave.  These hives boxes, could also be easily built on Gonave, and sold as part of a small industry.

So for less than $600.00, 4 hives could be built on Gonave.  This would not take into consideration the costs of the bees, or transporting the hives and bees to Gonave.

Not only could this be the start of an industry of honey, but also of light manufacturing of soap, lotion, and hive boxes.

Go Gonave!


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