Gonave Minimum wage of US $1.31 per hour, or $10.48 US per day (8hr day).

Speaking with a few economist, the idea of having a minimum wage on Gonave is very important.  While the wage will be almost doubled or more than doubled the rate that workers get in Haiti.  The economist I talked to mentioned that a $1.31 US wage will still allow Gonave to be competitive to China, where they get paid double that rate.  The rate also allows the island the ability to meet the residents needs, while staying competitive, and allowing a living wage.

The idea is to create a Special Administrative Region of Gonave.  A semi-autonomous region of Haiti, where the citizens on the island decide tax, wage, immigration, laws, etc.  One of the key things would be to create it's own currency.  As with to the Hong Kong Dollar, the Gonave Dollar would pegged to the US Dollar.  The US Dollar is the most stable, currency in the world that is heavily traded.  It would instantly give the Gonave Dollar strength.  Residents would be able to trade in Haitian Gourdes for Gonave Dollars if a SAR is created.

According to the economist, the wage should start at $1.31 US and then  increase two different times in 10 years.  Even at the start of $1.31 US per hour, a worker that works a 40 hour per week shift will make more than a Mexican worker in Mexico would.

Gonave Dollar  

Year SAR Established
  • Minimum wage is $1.31 US per hour.
Year 5
  • The wage increases by $.49 to $1.80 US per hour.
Yeah 10
  • Year 10 the wage increases again by $.35 to $2.15 US per hour.
The idea is to keep Gonave competitive, but also to provide a strong enough wage for workers to have disposable income.  This will put tiny Gonave in Yr 10 at the wage of a Chinese worker today.

Go Gonave!


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