Gonave Department of Education of GDOE

As I mentioned a few times education is key.  One way to get Gonave rolling is by having adequate well funded schools for children as well as adults.  While building of schools cost a large sum, this can solved using wooden structures or even using shipping containers. 

Adults could benefit from community colleges that will provide language learning courses, math, sciences, and even job training.  This is very important in luring international companies to the island.

Children will benefit from well balanced schools that are based on school structures that work in different parts of the world such as Japan, S. Korea, and even England.

Creating a Department of Education can ensure the citizens of Gonave will have a leg up on others in the region.  Establishing a good public school system is key to making sure that the proper checks and balances are done.  Schools will be built where they are needed, books are modern and useful, strong education requirements, etc.

If Gonave turned into a Special Administrative Region, the first two departments that should be created would be the Bureau of Land Management, and Department of Education.

Go Gonave!


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