Photos from a mock farm

I went to the Albuquerque BioPark where they have a mock farm on display.  The farm has a farm house, and also has an actual farm with cows, goats, sheep, pigs, and chickens.  What makes this farm unique is that everything is built on a a little more than an acre.  The farm also had fruit trees as well, which I will put in another blog.

This is a view of the farm house from the barn.

This is the barn which held all of the animals mentioned

Inside of the barn, which was very clean.

Next to the barn was a chicken pen.

View of side of the barn, and the chicken pen.

Inside the barn was a goat bay.

View of the bays/stalls for the animals.

More of a view of the animal stalls.

Another view of the chicken pen.

This is inside of the barn for the chickens.

Outside view of barn.  The sheep, cows, and pigs had their own pens.

Another larger view of the barn and it's crude fencing.  

This is the farm house with 3 bedrooms, kitchen, a bathroom, and living room.

This is part of the vegetable garden directly in front of the farm house.

Another inside view of the barn with a large cow in its stall.  As you can see the cow has plenty of room.

This is a farm that could easily be done on Gonave.  Not pictures are the numbers of animals.  Over a dozen chickens, about 3 cows, half a dozen pigs, about 3-4 goats, about 3-4 sheep.  All of this, plus the large barn, with a house and vegetable garden were on a little more than an acre of land.  This land also could have honey bee hives which would more than supply this farm with honey.  Couple that with the acre of fruit trees on the farm, you have a high yielding farm in a very small space.

Simply put, due to Gonave's small size, a farm like this makes sense.  It could provide large amounts of meat, eggs, vegetables, honey, milk, and cheese that could support local food markets. (I will have a blog on food markets later).

I will be working on a few more things, which will be complied and sent to a few agencies to hopefully get the ball rolling and make some of these things a reality.

Go Gonave!


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