A new company could locate to Gonave

A soap manufacturer had contacted me about potentially locating on Gonave.  The company provides soap to different retail businesses in Canada and the US.  While no firm commitment was actually made, the company, which for now the name will be excluded, mentioned that Gonave could make sense.  The lack of power, water, and freight options are a problem.  These are all things I mentioned in many of the blogs I placed before.

What makes Gonave so important is that there is a large pool of workers to run the machines that is needed to make the soap.  Also it is cheaper to employ people on Gonave vs people in Florida. 

Makes complete sense to me, but again Gonave and people that live on the island must start to focus on how to make these things happen.  I have outlined a few things, but it will take a village (Gonave), to make this happen.

I will have a YouTube channel coming soon, so stay tuned!

Go Gonave!


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