Why not One Country Two Systems?

Why not one country two systems?

On my site I talk Gonave having its own independence, and being a separate country.  While this could be a great thing, it could also be a major league problem.  Many things have to be done to actually have your own country, and you need a large amount of money as well.  While some countries have been newly established, such as South Sudan, the road to success has been very bumpy.

Not only do you have to have your own military, but you have to have your own constitution, judicial system for laws, political parties, etc.  The costs and complexity are enormous, and you have to make sure that you don’t have other countries who are much more powerful, take you out.

With that said, why not adopt a policy that China setup many years ago, that is still practiced today.  The have a One Country, Two Systems.  Here is how it breaks down, the one country being China, and the Two Systems being Capitalism, and Socialism.  The capital giant and world city of Hong Kong now belongs to China, but has its own policies, currency, flag, and even immigration.  Also Macau is also owned by China, but like Hong Kong has its own system.  Now of course all countries have some form of capitalism and socialism, but not in the way China has it setup.  Macau was ruled by Portugal, and Hong Kong by the British.  The agreement was after so many years, both countries would return the islands back to China, but China would have to defend them militarily, and also allow both regions to have their same rule of law for a specific number of years after the handover.

So how does this relate to Haiti and Gonave?  Well some feel that Gonave would be better off as its own country from Haiti.  Others feel that Gonave should still be a part of Haiti as it has been.  So how do you ensure that the people of Gonave get the best available?  Well possibly have a similar approach to what China has done.  Now the difference is that both Gonave and Haiti are capitalistic places, and Gonave is firmly in the control of Haiti.  My thought is why not allow Gonave to be a Special Administrative Region, where it can financially be responsible for itself, but militarily supported by Haiti.  Done right, Gonave could be the Hong Kong of Haiti.

I will talk more about this, and some research I did while on vacation, until then.  As of now, I don't know what would be the best option for Gonave.  There are risks with both, and benefits to both.  My goal is for the people of Gonave to have a better life, and that means all people.  Go Gonave!


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