Innovate Gonave

There is a high-tech research park in Tallahassee, Florida that has many companies that have come together to create a eco-system of knowledge.  Similar to Silicon Valley in California, this research park has the cooperation of local universities, businesses, researchers, start-ups, venture capitalists, the city and state.  With all of this cooperation several labs and big companies call the park home.

Currently the city of Albuquerque, NM is also doing something similar.  Two large national labs call the city home, in addition, you also have the state's largest university, University of New Mexico, along with many investors.  So the city and university are developing a similar park in two locations in the city, with the hub being downtown.

What does this all mean for Gonave?  High tech jobs not only boost the economy, but you also become a magnet for bright minds.  You get large sums of investment from companies, you get attention of research companies and governments the world over.

This can help the residents on Gonave by establishing companies for them to work in, and attract bring minds.  This will move the economy and create additional support companies which again need locals to survive.  The wages for these jobs will be much less than research jobs, but more money than most places in Haiti.

This can be achieved by a careful plan with leadership on Gonave, Haiti, foreign governments, and universities.  I have started the dialog with a university that has built a hospital on Gonave.  Who knows what could happen, but a similar park with labs and support companies could happen if the people of Gonave choose to.

Go Gonave!


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