Building an economy first with call centers.

Call Centers allow people with limited skills to make a decent salary.  These jobs are usually pretty stable, and can be completed in a very short amount of time.  I have worked in call centers for over 13 years and all have the same premise.

The picture to the left show's the inside of a very simple call center.  You have your training room to the far left.  This is where you will have computers and phones so that your future agents will be able to practice and learn in a controlled environment before being put out on the main floor.

The larger part of this building is the main floor.  There is where the operations of the center take place.  If you notice at the very north of the photo in the main part of the building is a small room facing the main floor.  This usually will house, supervisors of the agents, IT department, managers, workforce management, and quality.   It may also contain an administrative assistant as well.

The open floor with some 70 desks is the main floor.  There is where agents will go after training and will take calls.  Usually large monitors will display call center news, stats, etc.

This is something that can easily work on Gonave.  Call centers provide a stable income, and again given the demographics on Gonave, this is something that can work.

I will be working with a few different companies to see what the possibility is for a call center, textile facility, and of course my beer brewery to locate on Gonave in the near future.

Go Gonave!


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