Commercial District?

Some have written to me and asked about the Commercial District Idea that I wrote about in 2013 when I first started doing this blog.  The article Commercial District is from 2013, and it outlines an idea to create a walking street that would eventually have commercial space.  many have asked what happened to that vision and is it still going to happen.

We can say that it is still on the drawing board.  When I first started this blog, which was that month of that year, I had ambitious hopes for La Gonave, and laid out plans that would be affordable to build and quick.  I still believe in those plans.  The walking street idea is one that many cities in the US and countries around the world do.  It makes people get out of the car, to walk to destinations.  Not only does it promote exercise, but it also allows businesses to see their foot traffic real time. 

The Walking Street idea is still something that will be built.  It maybe slightly larger than the 4 city blocks I mentioned before, or possibly smaller.  We have to see how other key developments happen.  One thing I can say will be a priority is a city market. 

The city market idea has changed some.  I will go into more details about that in a later post, but it is a more improved and modern way for locals to purchase and sell food.

So yes, the Commercial District is still something we are pursuing.

Go Gonave!


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