La Gonave could serve as the template for all of Haiti

La Gonave has an opportunity to do it right the first time.  Meaning that if the right people get involved and their goal is to help the Haitians to help themselves, then La Gonave could serve as the template for Haiti.

La Gonave has many advantages over the mainland.  For one, with a smaller population the needs of food, housing, water, etc are less, so programs that are developed could easy cover this small population.  La Gonave is a blank canvas, so streets can be placed based on results that other cities around the world have tried.  La Gonave can build it's economy on just about any industry, although tourism and agriculture are probably the prime industries.  The list goes on and on.

My point is that if done correctly, and La Gonave is a modern and vibrant place.  If La Gonave could have the majority of it's population literate, and that there are enough schools for every child.  If La Gonave could have a strong economy similar to the Bahamas, then it would serve as a beacon of major change.

I want La Gonave to look more like Falmouth, Jamaica.  Minus the large cruise ship as that would have to be worked out with one of the large companies, but if Anse-a-Galets could build up infrastructure to look just like the port area of Falmouth, Jamaica, then it is a massive start.  Below are pictures of Falmouth, Jamaica.  Notice the streets and buildings.

Now again this is the port that Royal Caribbean literally built.  So it is a bit of a theme park type of place, however when you go to the historic parts of the city,  you have some brick streets, and some gravel or paved roads.  You then also see the buildings that exists and their role in history.

La Gonave could easily do this, on a much smaller scale initially, and built for the locals instead of tourist.  By building for the local need, it will only in helping when tourists come to the island.  The biggest thing is getting basic infrastructure there such as the brick roads.  Small booths can easily be built, and even shipping containers can serve a major role.  Many cities in the US such as Las Vegas, and Albuquerque are using these containers as retail.  I will include a link here for the Downtown Container Park in Las Vegas.  In Albuquerque the Green Jeans Farmery is something that could easily work for La Gonave.  While the focus is on an onsite hydrophonics, it will also contain a taproom and many eateries.  Below is a photo of what the end result will look like from Green Jeans Farmery.
Below is a video of the concept and how easy this could be done on La Gonave.  Total containers are 33 different ones.  Again the concept for La Gonave could be much smaller, but again it can be built to serve the people of La Gonave, and eventually be a lure for tourist from the mainland and then international.  Go Gonave!


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  2. Hi,

    I have interest in La Gonave's development potential. How can I get in touch with you?

  3. We currently have a sustainable project for La Gonave that serves as a blueprint for other communities. Please contact us

  4. I have a interest as well and will be contacting you soon


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