Flag of Gonave?

I created the image below.  I will explain why I choose the colors I choose.

So three basic color were chosen to represent the future island nation of Gonave, which are yellow, sky blue, and green.

I did research on flags, and why colors should be chosen, what colors shouldn't be put on a flag, the meaning of colors, how not to over complicate a flag, and make sure that a made can easily be remember by school age kids.

So here it is, and I will explain the colors.

First off, the green portion of the flag represents the green lush vegetation of the island.  It also means a land rich with fertile soil which provides the energy of it's people.

The blue portion represents the bright skys over the island of Gonave.  The color is a sky blue, which shows a cloudless day, one with no storms, but of a clear day.  It also means that the sky is the limit.

 Finally yellow represents the sun.  The sun is shining on a lush green nation on a cloudless day, and show a bright future for the nation and it's people.

When you combine the color of the flag, you show the life cycle of the island.  All three elements are dependent of each other.  All three show the beauty of the island of Gonave.

*Note-No duplication of the flag, or copying of the flag without site permission.


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