Creation of Commercial District

Gonave would need to have a commercial district.  One that is attractive to international tourist, locals, and businesses.  I propose creating a pedestrian only corridor to be built first.

The "Walking Street" would be:

  • Cheaper to construct.  You can use pavers which are very attractive, and can hold pedestrian traffic.
  • Fast to build.  Again you want to have quick results and turn around time.
  • Easy to maintain.  Again given that it is a pedestrian only corridor you don't have to worry about high maintaiance cost that a road would cost.

The "Walking Street" should be built very close to where tourist hotels are going to be constructed.  Again tourist will drive the economy by spending at local businesses.  Putting businesses in close proximity to each other, allowing only foot traffic, and having business close to where tourist can visit quickly will allow this corridor to succeed.  To see an idea of Walking Street, see below.

With this design, you have businesses on either side of the street.  In the middle you have a broken median that can be used for raised flower beds.  Solar street lights can be put up down the middle.  This gives the street a more open and safe feeling.  Next to the streetlights are bike paths.  This will allow bicyclist a designated place to ride their bikes, away from walking traffic.  Next you will see the pedestrian sidewalk.  Again all of this is pavers, which are a much cheaper way of building a road that will not have heavy loads on it.  This pedestrian sidewalk allows pedestrians to walk to an from business that will line the street.  Next to the pedestrian sidewalk are bike racks and parking stations.  These are placed throughout the street, and are not in a continuous lane like the Bike Lane.  Next to the bike racks are information panels.  These LED lighted panels will allow pedestrians to know where they are, and where to get to where they want to be.  Again make this street as tourist friendly as possible.  Next to this is the bench or seating area.  Again this is placed in strategic places and not in a continous path.  

I propose that Walking Street be about 4 city blocks, which will allow for quick implementation and affordability, all while giving shoppers various options.  

To get Walking Street up and running, the first commercial building should be a city market.  This facility can be several stories tall, and will offer food from local farms.  This street will also have mixed-use buildings that will have retail on the bottom, and offices and/or residential above.


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