Solar and wind stand to be the best options still.

With La Gonave the issue of power is one of many reasons economic development doesn't happen. While there was once a solar producer in Haiti, that company doesn't appear to be in business any longer. One reason would be the cost of the panels that were sold. The panels were way over priced to the point where you can import panels that were superior in quality and power produced for cheaper. While some will say that buying from Haiti is important, we agree! The problem is that businesses have to make products where the price for the goods make sense. Otherwise they do a major disservice to the country. The lost jobs, prospects, industry, etc all affect the country due to companies over boosting the price of goods. Regardless La Gonave would need solar and wind to provide power. While the island would never be a power mega-house, it could become self-sustainable with energy. First the island residents would need to start off with basic solar panels of about 100W. Also having good battery storage is key as well. While a 100W would do very little for people living in Canada, US, or Japan, it would make a world of difference to people on the island. With the 100W power system, it would be dedicated power to that specific house, and slowly homes could upgrade their power over time and obtaining more power hungry electronics. Going the way of a massive solar array or wind system is not really possible in Haiti at this time. For one, you need specialized technicians that have to maintain these systems. This isn't something La Gonave has. You would also need large amounts of capital, again, something La Gonave doesn't have. Also having a large capacity system would risk the island's power in the event of major storms or natural disasters. Having homes that have their own systems is really the way to go. Large structures such as schools, clinics, hospitals, offices, hotels, or apartment buildings would be best served on a larger array system and/or wind farm. It would be a mini electric grid that focuses only on specific buildings that need more power. Same would apply to future industrial parks. Sure building a large coal, natural gas, or oil power plant would be great, however the cost is out of the reach for the island. So we feel that solar and wind stand to be the best options still. Go Gonave!


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