Land Use Acknowledgement formed

The Acknowledgement of Land Use as well as a Partnership Agreement has been created.  This may not make sense to you, but it is a formal agreement to setup the honeybee hive operation on La Gonave, and establish the creation of a partnership which is the first step of creating a cooperative on the island.

The Land Use is key as it will allow the hives permission to be on land on the island for a period of time.  Initially it would be for a short period of time that allows early termination, but it also allows for extended time.

The Partnership Agreement is again the start of the cooperative.  It gives some teeth to everything and starts the collective power of two different entities to make moves on the island of La Gonave.  The cooperative is better than just a not-for-profit (many cooperatives are also not-for-profits) because the cooperative can collect money and do different types of investments.  It can also hold onto cash year over year, something that many not-for-profits can do.

These agreements are initially direct foreign investment, which doesn't entirely represent a not-for-profit group.  This allows the opportunity for other businesses to open as the partnership will create a business incubator.  In short this will create jobs for the island.  Don't expect thousands, or even hundreds of jobs, but there will be a small and growing economy on the island.

We are beyond excited about this.  It has been many months in the making, but it is finally getting off the ground.  The cooperative will be the financial arm for the different programs and projects that will be on the island of La Gonave.  Currently two such programs exist which are the La Gonave Wildflower Association and the La Gonave Honeybee Association.  Both will rely on each other and have similar goals, but will also be different.

I personally want to say that I have been working very hard to make these things happen for the people of La Gonave.  I see this as a way of giving to a people who have had a cloud over their heads long enough.  I use my own money to make these things happen, and I do believe in putting my money where my mouth is.  This, in my opinion, is the only way that Haiti will move forward.  Corruption, or groups that are looking for self gain will have short term success and reward.  I am looking for good faith and fair dealing, and I am determined to be in Haiti for the long term.

Go Gonave!


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