Building a pollinator garden and greenhouse

When visiting La Gonave later this year, we will be discussing with the Mayor of Anse-a-Galets many things from housing to jobs.  We are wanting to build a greenhouse and a pollinator garden.  The greenhouse will not only have seedlings and starter plants for vegetables which farmers can then grow on their property, but it will also have flowers and wild plants for bees and for reforestation.

So what will the pollinator garden look like, and what is its purpose?  The pollinator garden will be on about 1 acre of land, and contain many flowers that will help honeybees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other bees.  The land will also contain a 12' x 32' hoop-style greenhouse.  The greenhouse will also contain at least two honeybee hives which will aid the greenhouse and nearby pollinator garden.

The garden will help with reforestation efforts in a controlled environment.  In this garden various trees will be grown.  Moringa, various banana, palm, bamboo, Calliandra, and Cape Honeysuckle trees will be grown.  Plants such as various garden crops and herbs, but also hibiscus, chrysanthemums, coral vine, passion flower, vetiver grass, borage, lemon grass, sunflower, bidens pilosa, etc will be grown as well.  These various plants and trees will be the future efforts of reforestation.  There will also be a very small pond located on the property that will have mosquito fish, which will aid in mosquito control on the island.

The bamboo forest will be used in the future for building and construction purposes.  All of these plants will serve a major purpose, and some are essential for life on La Gonave.  Below are ideas of how pollinator gardens will look, and can even be sort of a tourist attraction as well.  Again in the center of our pollinator garden will be a large greenhouse with a storage unit and 2 honeybee hives.

Stay tuned to more developments.  It appears that the project is almost a done deal.  Go Gonave!


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