Is Over-the-Top Content the best for Gonave?

OTT, also known as over-the-top could be an affordable way to provide Gonavian's with entertainment.  When you think of OTT, think of Hulu.  It allows one to have audio, video, and other types of media through the internet without a third party.  It allows users to watch or listen using the cell phones, game consoles, tablets, etc.  Channels are created, and subscribers can then choose their channel, or movies they want to watch. 

Creating an OTT platform will be far cheaper option than launching satellites into orbit, or paying large fees to big cable companies.  Currently we have been looking into ways to start a small program that will be the backbone of the OTT platform.  Initially the program will be free, and when fully built would have a small monthly fee.  This would be the cable network that would have radio, news, movies, and shows featuring local talent.  This could then extend beyond Gonave and also be a available in Haiti.  Also users would need to purchase devices that will allow the usage of the OTT programs.  Again, this could be computers, phones, game consoles, etc.  Apps would be developed that would house the OTT platform, which would then allow users to download this to their devices.

Look for more to come in the near future.

Go Gonave!


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