Gonave ID revisited. Original post Nov. 2013.

Creation of ID cards

ID cards

This is a sample ID card I found online from the United Kingdom,  This card is probably for a foreign student who is in England.  I will show additional cards from England that will show the front and back of the cards for actual citizens of the United Kingdom.

The purpose of the ID cards are simple.  For one it will allow Gonave to have valid proof of who actually resides on the island, and their age.  It also provides proof to the United Nations that citizens on the island can easily be identified for voting purposes, and legal rights.  This will be very critical if the citizens of Gonave vote to succeed from Haiti.

Card Design

Picture above are the back and front of a British ID card.  Now these are smart cards as you can see the chip in the top photo.  On the back are registration numbers, which are unique to that specific person.  Now while this is a sample card I found online, it what an actual card could look like for Gonave.  
The front of the card should have the Flag of Gonvae, the title of the nation, the card number, the sex of the person, their place of birth, age, when the card was issued, when the card expires, the person's legal name, a recent photo, a legal signature from the card holder, and a thumb print of the card holder.
Having ID cards is one way for Gonave to form itself as a sovereign nation, and to show valid proof of voting from residents.  These cards will also give the nation more accurate numbers of how many people actually live on Gonave.
The cost of the card laminate equipment and smart cards are very reasonable in price.  Usually a system stocked with cards, and embedded traits, with a double sided smart card, and camera, can be acquired for around $20,000.
Again the cost of making Gonave a free nation isn't really out of the realm of reality.
As I mentioned in a previous post $100,000 has been pledged to start the process of building a ID verification system for Gonave.

Unlike the post from Nov 2013, some ideas have changed.  After a few different things came together, Let's Build Gonave, Haiti, no longer feels that turning Gonave into it's own nation is or will be in the best interest for the citizens on the island.  Forming a sovereign nation out of a poor area with poor people already leads to those people being taken advantage of.  It also usually leads to civil wars and civil unrest.  Usually those groups that want to create their own country have power, money, and perks to gain.  Usually citizens get very little benefit.  At Let's Build Gonave, Haiti, we show potential investors, like the one that wants to donate $100,000 transparency.  This allows that company and others to see where the money will go and how it all will be used.  Let's Build Gonave, Haiti is currently financed by my own private company.  Most of the research and writing is done by myself to lower costs.  I receive no money for what I am doing, nor do I want any money for this.  Given back to people who have nothing, and seeing those people rise out of poverty is what I long for, and will be my payment.

With that out of the way, the $100,000 will be enough to purchase the imaging equipment, and the actual ID's.  The ID cards will be given to everyone on Gonave Island.  Each card will be a "smart card" which will allow any individual to be verified through verification ID system.  Also each card will have a citizens registration number, photo, name, place of birth, type of ID (resident/non-resident), expiration date, the SAR flag of Gonave, and the card members sex.

Let's Go Gonave!


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