Always look and be professional! / Toujou gade yo epi yo dwe pwofesyonèl!

Always look and be professional when going out in public.  Many times you will see places where the public will wear clothes that look trashy, saggy, or will act not professional.  In other words act in public as you would in front of your boss.

Too many times you will see people who dress provocative and then expect to be treated respectfully.  This can be from not expecting rude comments, but also stares of disbelief.  I don't agree with the comments, but if you wear your clothes sagging off of you, or with your breasts hanging out, don't expect people to treat you seriously, nor expect a rude stare.

All in all, Gonave, now is the time to put your best foot forward.  A professional looking person is one that has much at stake, and takes their future seriously.  They are able to go to work and go to dinner and still look very respectable. 

Now this is not to say not to be yourself.  I think you can be yourself, but still carry yourself in a very professional way.  Be aware of how you put yourself out there in public.  Given that Gonave will have jobs in the future, only the best acting, professional person, with good job skills, will get the job.

So in other words Gonave.  Be courteous to everyone, respect yourself, mind your own business, and look professional!  Let's set ourselves apart from most and elevate ourselves every day.

Go Gonave!

Toujou gade yo epi yo dwe pwofesyonèl lè yo pral soti nan piblik la. Anpil fwa ou pral wè kote piblik la ap mete rad ki gade sal, saggy, oswa ap aji pa pwofesyonèl. Nan lòt mo aji nan piblik jan ou ta nan devan bòs nan travay ou.

Twò anpil fwa ou pral wè moun ki abiye pwovokan ak Lè sa a, atann yo dwe trete ak respè. Sa a kapab soti nan pa ap tann kòmantè grosye, men tou, fiks nan enkredilite. Mwen pa dakò ak kòmantè sa yo, men si ou mete rad ou afesman koupe nan nou la a, oswa avèk tete ou pandye soti, pa atann moun yo trete ou oserye, ni espere yon gade fiks grosye.

Tout moun nan tout, Gonave, kounye a se tan a yo mete pi bon pye ou pi devan. Yon moun pwofesyonèl kap se youn ki gen anpil nan poto, e li pran tan kap vini yo oserye. Yo kapab ale nan travay epi ale nan dine epi ou toujou ap gade anpil respektab.

Koulye a, sa a se pa vle di pa t 'dwe tèt ou. Mwen panse ke ou ka tèt ou, men yo toujou pote tèt ou nan yon fason trè pwofesyonèl. Ou dwe konsyan de ki jan ou mete tèt ou soti la an piblik. Etandone ke Gonave ap gen travay nan tan kap vini a, se sèlman aji a pi byen, moun pwofesyonèl, ak bon kapasite pou travay, ap jwenn travay la.

Se konsa, nan lòt mo Gonave. Yo koutwa ak tout moun, respekte tèt ou, lide pwòp biznis ou, epi gade pwofesyonèl! Se pou nou mete tèt nou apa nan pi epi leve tèt nou chak jou.

Ale Gonave!


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