Smart city design is key for a new world./Konsepsyon vil Smart se kle pou yon mond nouvo

As Gonave develops not only should education be a main focus, but I think smart city design is also very important.

Cities that build fiber optic lines, develop mass transit systems, focus on high density housing, and development that focuses on green technology lead the world.  Example, look at Seattle versus Miami.  While some would think Miami would be what a city should be, with the large amounts of hotels, a new plan for a large convention center and hotel, the large amounts of tourists, and a massive international airport, that Miami is the epitome of what all large cities should be.

Look at Seattle, not only is large retailer Nordstrom from Seattle, but so is Boeing, Microsoft, T-Mobile, and to name a few.  Seattle has some of the best educational systems in the country, a large world known university (University of Washington), a massive downtown, lots of high density residential,  many options for transit, and it is on the verge of being a World Class City.

The key it developing smart.  Start small scale and developed high density mix use structures like the photo below. 
This building was taken outside of my hotel in Seattle.  Keep in mind the hotel was about 6 - 7 stories tall, but had a similar feel about it as this structure.  As you may notice the bottom floor is strictly retail, and this development had a small grocery store. Above are 5 stories of apartments.  This building can hold over 100 people, yet it doesn't cover one block.  A building in the foreground also is mixed use as well with a set of small shops below and residential up top.

The street has stop zones for cabs, and to drop people off on the area close to where the pedestrian is walking.  Then you will see a two lane, one direction road that allows traffic to flow quickly.  Next to that is a bike lane that allows a different type of mass transit, and they you will also see the same stop zones. 

Imagine Gonave developing just one city block where both sides of the street has about three of these buildings each?  Lets say each building holds 100 people.  With three buildings on each side of the street in that block, you are look at about 600 people.  Not only are you not spending a large amount on infrastructure (road, electric, landscaping, drainage, etc), but you are building smart.

Gonave can develop this cheap way of building smarter by applying practical ideas as Seattle and Portland has done.

Go Gonave!

Kòm Gonave devlope pa sèlman edikasyon yo ta dwe yon konsantre prensipal yo, men mwen panse ke konsepsyon la entelijan tou se trè enpòtan.
Vil ki bati liy fib optik , devlope sistèm transpò piblik , yo konsantre sou lojman dansite segondè, ak devlopman ki konsantre sou teknoloji vèt mennen mond lan. Egzanp, gade nan Seattle kont Miami. Pandan ke gen kèk ta panse Miami ta dwe sa ki yon vil yo ta dwe , ak kantite lajan yo gwo nan otèl, yon nouvo plan pou yon sant gwo konvansyon ak otèl , kantite lajan yo gwo nan touris , ak yon masiv ayewopò entènasyonal la, ke Konte Miami se egzanplè nan sa ki tout gwo vil yo ta dwe .
Gade nan Seattle , se pa sèlman se yon gwo magazen Nordstrom soti nan Seattle , men se konsa li ye Boeing , Microsoft, T-mobil , ak nan non yon kèk . Seattle gen kèk nan pi bon sistèm yo edikasyon nan peyi a, yon mond gwo li te ye inivèsite ( University of Washington) , yon anba lavil masiv , anpil nan dansite segondè rezidansyèl, anpil opsyon pou transpò piblik , epi li se sou wout pou l ke yo te yon Mondyal Gwoup City .
Kle a li devlope entelijan. Kòmanse ti echèl ak devlope dansite segondè estrikti itilize melanj tankou foto ki anba a.

 Te bilding sa a te pran deyò nan otèl m 'ki nan Seattle. Kenbe nan tèt ou otèl la te sou 6 - 7 istwa wotè , men te gen yon santi yo menm jan an sou li kòm estrikti sa a . Kòm ou ka remake etaj anba a se senpman Yo Vann an Detay , ak sa a devlopman te gen yon makèt piti. Pi wo pase yo se 5 istwa nan apatman. Bilding sa a ka kenbe plis pase 100 moun, ankò li pa kouvri yon blòk. Yon bilding nan premye plan an tou se sèvi ak melanje kòm byen ak yon seri ti boutik anba a epi ak rezidansyèl moute tèt.
Te lari a sispann zòn pou kab , ak lage pèp la wete sou zòn nan fèmen nan kote pyeton an ap mache . Lè sa a, ou pral wè yon liy de, yon direksyon wout ki pèmèt trafik dlo koule byen vit. Bòkote ki se yon liy bisiklèt ki pèmèt yon lòt kalite transpò piblik , epi yo ou pral wè tou zòn yo sispann menm.
Imajine Gonave devlope jis yon blòk lavil kote tou de bò nan lari a gen apeprè twa nan bilding sa yo chak ? Pèmèt di chak bilding kenbe 100 moun. Ki gen twa bilding sou chak bò nan lari a nan ki blòk , ou se gade nan sou 600 moun. Se pa sèlman yo ou pa depanse yon gwo kantite lajan sou enfrastrikti ( wout , elektrisite, jaden yo, drenaj , elatriye) , men ou ap bati entelijan.
Gonave ka devlope fason sa a bon mache nan bilding pi entelijan pa aplike lide pratik kòm Seattle ak Portland te fè yo.
Ale Gonave !


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