Moving towards an autonomous region/Deplase nan direksyon pou yon rejyon otonòm.

La Gonave would serve best as being it's own autonomous region, BUT still a part of Haiti.  Here is why.  There has been talks for years about taking the small island and making it into its own country.  I have mentioned why that is totally a bad idea.  Also the amount of investment given to this new and unproven country would probably make matters worse.

What would make sense for many reasons is to have a special administrative region that is very autonomous.  The people in the region or zone are allow to vote and self govern how they see fit.  There are a few things that should be noted.  A SAR, or Special Administrative Region, is just that.  It administers laws and creates it's own economy.  It doesn't have a military force, nor an actual constitution (it has something similar - Basic Law), and it doesn't represents itself on the international stage.  Plunging an island rife in poverty into being the next new nation will never work.  There are plenty of other nations nearby that can easily take it over on day one.  Look at what is going on in the world today with Russia and Crimea.  With South Sudan and it's own internal strife as well as conflict with Sudan, starting a nation is very complicated.  Having a Special Region that creates all of it's laws, immigration, financial institutions, legal structure, etc is the way to go.  Still having the Haitian flag, but having the SAR flag would give the residents of La Gonave their own identity.  Haiti is well protected by the international community and all eyes are on the nation of Haiti.

The move towards an autonomous region will take time, courage, and discipline.  It will take several groups to make it happen, and in the end will be a model for the Western Hemisphere.  La Gonave and its residents need help.  To avoid wars, more famine and poverty, and being another bad statistical stereotype, the people of Gonave should move towards being an autonomous region.

Go Gonave!
La Gonave ta sèvi pi bon ke yo te pwòp li nan rejyon otonòm , men yo toujou yon pati nan Ayiti. Isit la se poukisa. Te gen chita pale pou ane sou pran zile a ti ak fè li nan peyi pwòp li yo. Mwen mansyone poukisa se ​​sa ki totalman yon move lide. Epitou kantite lajan an nan envestisman bay peyi sa a ak nouvo prouve ta pwobableman fè zafè pi mal .
Ki sa ki ta fè sans pou plizyè rezon se genyen yon rejyon administratif espesyal ki se yon bagay ki otonòm . Foul moun yo nan rejyon an oswa zòn yo pèmèt yo vote ak pwòp tèt ou gouvène ki jan yo wè anfòm . Gen yon bagay kèk ki ta dwe te note . Yon SAR , oswa Rejyon Administratif espesyal, se jis sa. Li aplike lwa yo epi kreye pwòp ekonomi li a. Li pa gen yon fòs militè , ni yon konstitisyon aktyèl ( li gen yon bagay ki sanble - Debaz Lwa ) , epi li pa reprezante tèt li sou sèn entènasyonal la. Ta plonge yon zile abondance nan povrete nan ke yo te vini an nouvo nasyon an pa janm pral travay. Gen anpil lòt nasyon ki tou pre ki ka pran li fasil sou jou yon sèl. Gade sa k ap pase nan mond la jodi a ak Larisi ak Crimea. Avèk South Soudan ak pwòp li nan konfli entèn kòm byen ke konfli ak Soudan , kòmanse yon nasyon se bagay ki konplike anpil . Èske w gen yon Rejyon espesyal ki kreye tout nan lwa li a, imigrasyon, enstitisyon finansye , legal estrikti , elatriye se yon fason a ale. Toujou gen drapo ayisyen an , men li te gen drapo a SAR ta bay rezidan yo nan La Gonave idantite pwòp yo. Ayiti se byen pwoteje pa kominote entènasyonal la ak tout je yo sou nasyon an an Ayiti.
Deplase nan direksyon pou yon rejyon otonòm ap pran tan , kouraj, ak disiplin. Li pral pran plizyè gwoup yo fè l 'rive , ak nan fen a pral yon modèl pou Emisfè Oksidantal la. La Gonave ak rezidan li yo bezwen èd. Pou fè pou evite lagè , plis grangou ak povrete, ak ke yo te yon lòt move stereotip estatistik , moun yo nan Gonave ta dwe deplase nan direksyon pou yo te yon rejyon otonòm .
Ale Gonave !


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