How beer will fund Gonave! / Ki jan byè ap finanse Gonave!

There are many different groups proposing how to develop Gonave, and how to develop an economy on the island.  Some use crowdfunding or investors.  Let's Build Haiti attempted this and then thought of ways to make developing Gonave a reality. 

What makes Let's Build Haiti different is that it is already an established business.  We are a small brewery, which currently is creating a couple of beers that will be the signature beers of Gonave.  The purpose is that each of the beers developed will be sold, and the profits from those beers would be put into a fund.  Now how is it possible to donate 100% of money from a few beers that we develop to help with the building of Gonave?  Through corporate backers who will sponsor both beer projects, which will pay for the overhead (equipment, raw materials, shipping, etc). 

We hope that from this we establish a group that will work with the Haitian Government to lease the island of Gonave for development under a not-for-profit governmental agency.  That lease would comprise of several years, many different entities from Haiti and around the world who would provide oversight, and of course a development plan.

Still in the early stages, but we are gaining ground on ways to build the economy of Gonave and provide jobs and housing.  On our website it talks about the Focus City project, which will rely on solar power, water filtration programs, industries, a resort, a small scale port, and housing.

Go Gonave!


Gen anpil diferan gwoup pwopoze ki jan yo devlope Gonave , ak kouman yo devlope yon ekonomi sou zile an. Gen kèk crowdfunding itilizasyon oswa envestisè yo. Se pou nou bati Ayiti eseye fè sa a ak Lè sa a, te panse a fason yo fè devlope Gonave yon reyalite.
Ki sa ki fè Ann bati Ayiti diferan se ke li se deja yon biznis etabli. Nou se yon Brasri piti, ki kounye a kreye yon koup la byèr ki pral byèr yo siyati nan Gonave . Objektif la se ke chak nan byèr yo devlope yo pral vann yo, ak pwofi yo nan men moun byèr ta dwe mete nan yon fon . Koulye a, Kouman se li posib fè don 100% nan lajan ki sòti nan yon byèr kèk ke nou devlope moun ede ou avèk bilding lan nan Gonave ? Atravè Kòmanditè antrepriz ki moun ki va patwone tou de pwojè byè , ki pral peye pou anlè tèt yo ( ekipman, matyè premyè, frè transpò, elatriye).
Nou espere ke sa a soti nan nou kreye yon gwoup ki pral travay ak gouvènman ayisyen an kontra-lwaye zile a nan Gonave pou devlopman anba yon ajans gouvènman pa la pou fè pwofi . Kontra-lwaye ki ta genyen nan plizyè ane anpil antite diferan de Ayiti ak atravè mond lan ki ta bay sipèvizyon , ak nan kou yon plan devlopman, .
Toujou nan etap yo byen bonè , men nou ap pran tè sou fason yo bati ekonomi an nan Gonave epi yo bay travay , ak kay. Sou sit entènèt nou an li chita pale sou pwojè a Konsantre City , ki pral konte sou pouvwa solè , pwogram filtraj dlo, endistri yo, yon resort , yon pò ti echèl, ak kay.


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