Powering the island of Gonave

Last year I wrote about ways to power the island, and some of it focused on Coal, Solar, or Wind power plants.  All of these types of plants have their advantages, and disadvantages, which I went over briefly.

What is a simple and cheaper way?  Diesel Powered Generators.  Many third world nations use these systems as their only source of power, Nigeria comes to mind.  Using these systems work well when money and time are a major problem.  These plants run on diesel or gas, and can be expandable.  I am posting three videos about such systems.  I think this is something that Gonave and maybe even Haiti should consider to solve power issues. 

This is a 13.2 MW power plant in Saudi Arabia that uses 4 engines.

This is an animation of how a plant can be customized for the environment, and how the system can be expanded over time.  It talks about the type of engines possible.

The last video is also an animation from a different company of how their 85 MW power plant would look.

Now understand that for Gonave, both animations would be over-kill.  The island residents don't have the money to support either of those large systems.  Now something like the 13.2 MW power plant in the first video is more promising.  It is something that could be built very quickly and with cost in mind.  Couple this with an expandable building that could house even more powerful engines, and you have a plant that would be the start of Gonave's economy.

Go Gonave!


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