Building a radio network

One of the cheapest and fastest ways to get out communication and entertainment is a radio network.  A true sign of building Gonave as an independent nation would be to have a radio network. 

In a previous post I mentioned that a H.A.M. operated emergency system should be created that would be used by the military, police, and emergency responders. 

The radio network would be used by businesses that could focus on music, talk shows, weather, politics, etc.  In fact I think Gonave could setup several licenses for radio networks, and even provide the equipment and build the network system.  From there these businesses could then pay for the equipment and buy the stations outright.  So from what was started by the Government of Gonave could then be bought out by local business persons.

Again this is something that can bring the world to Gonave, and bring Gonave to the world.  A small investment to build a radio network, will further establish Gonave as a independent nation.  There are currently some communication towers presently on the island of Gonave.  While these towers are nothing fancy, it is a start.  Given the terrain of the island, a nationwide network of radio stations makes good sense.  Not many nations can claim that their entire country has complete access to all of it's radio stations. 

Gonave's size is a curse and a blessing.  A blessing because things like building infrastructure are much cheaper, but a curse due to having less available land to do large scale farming or having bigger cities.  For literally a million dollars you can more than build several radio stations on the island of Gonave.  Let's use Gonave's small size to its advantage and create many radio stations to serve the public.


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