
Showing posts from April, 2014

Gonave Ferry

Passenger and Cargo boat for Gonave.  We have been looking at the island of Tokelau for many ideas and inspiration.  Recently the island of only 1,000 people is getting a cargo boat that will connect it to its three different atolls. The boat can hold 60 passengers and 50 tones of cargo and can go 11.5 knots.  Below is a video of the vessel which would be ideal for Gonave.  The small size and large amount of passengers will allow for easy connecting from Gonave to Haiti. Go Gonave!

Gonave Government Portal Website going live! / Gonave Gouvènman Portal Sit wèb al viv!

Let's Build Gonave, Haiti, will be constructing a website to go live on June 1, 2014.  The website is being hosted by the Country of Tokelau and also offering the domain.The website will be the Gonave Government Portal, and will have a different format than the current hosting service in-which, the web page wasn't active. Things are looking up for Gonave, and the webpage will talk more in dept as to projects and timelines. Please stay tuned! Go Gonave! ------------------- Se pou yo bati Gonave, Ayiti, yo pral konstwi yon sit entènèt yo ale viv sou li a, 1 jen 2014. Se sou sit wèb la ke yo te akomode pa Peyi a nan Tokelaou epi tou li ofri sit entènèt la domain.The yo pral Gonave Gouvènman Portal a, epi pral gen yon diferan fòma pase sèvis la hosting kounye a nan-ki, paj wèb la pa t 'aktif. Tout bagay ap moute kap chèche Gonave, epi paj wèb la pral pale plis nan pozisyon kòm nan pwojè ansanm ak tan limit. Tanpri rete branche! Ale Gonave!

Where do our viewers come from? / Ki kote telespektatè nou soti?

I have gotten the question, who reads the blog for the site, and where do you come from.  Below are the top 10 countries, in order who visit our site weekly and sometime daily.   1.       United States 2.       Russia 3.       Malaysia 4.       Germany 5.       Indonesia 6.       United Kingdom 7.       France 8.       India 9.       Poland 10.      Ukraine The United States is number one by far, with over 93% of the hits registering from the there.    The largest browser used to search the site was Google Chrome, and then Firefox.   Google had 43% of the market, while Firefox had 37%.   Internet Explorer was at 11%.   Safari and Opera both held 2 % of the market. It appears that the World wants to know more about Gonave, Haiti, and all walks of life enjoy the site.   I have been personally contacted by students doing research papers to politicians wanting more

Flag of Gonave, Haiti

GO Gonave!

No substandard schools or structures on Gonave! Gonave Elementary School / Pa gen lekòl medyòk oswa estrikti sou Gonave! Gonave Elementary School

If you look at some buildings from Africa, to South America, to Haiti, and you will see groups who build substandard structures made of primitive mud brick concrete blocks.  Usually you will see very rough looking cement that isn't smoothed down. While some would say, hey in a place with little resources, and money, any help is a good thing.  I disagree!  If you are going to do something, do it correctly the first time.  Don't build structures that scream "poor people in a poor country". For example if a large elementary school is built in Gonave, it could be built using wood, however it needs to look very professional.  I took photos of a large facility being built made of wood near Rio Rancho, NM.  This would be a very professional but affordable building to build. Let's never settle, and be sure to strive for the best. Go Gonave! ------------- Si ou gade nan kèk bilding soti nan Lafrik di , nan Amerik di Sid, an Ayiti, e ou pwal wè gwo

Commercial District Continued... / Komèsyal Distri Kontinye...

The creation of a Commercial District on Gonave will be very minor in the beginning.  Food stalls, clothing stalls, and wet markets will make up the majority of commerce.  The amount of infrastructure such as water, sanitation, and electric are more manageable.  Also the requirements for large amounts of infrastructure will be less.  On top of that, the cost to build and implement this initial district will be very affordable. In a previous blog I mentioned how to power Gonave using wind turbines .  This coupled with some housing developments will create a strong commercial district in Gonave, and create a tourist attraction.  This district should be built first before establishing a tourist economy. Go Gonave! ---------------------- Kreyasyon an nan yon distri Komèsyal sou Gonave pral trè minè depi nan konmansman an . Depa Manje, depa rad, ak mache mouye ap fè moute majorite a nan komès. Kantite lajan an nan enfrastrikti tankou

Slight Blog name change / Ti tay Blog chanje non

Due to a large response from people all over the world about wanting to know more about Haiti and Gonave, I decided it was time to change the name of the blog slightly to Let's Build Gonave, Haiti vs Let's Build Haiti.  The change is needed for many reasons, one being foreign investment, tourism, and even volunteers.  Their focus was on our page, and the assumption was Gonave was a city in Haiti.  We had to inform many that it is an island with about 80-100,000 people. The change will go into effect on this blog site immediately.  Gonave TV, will still stay the same, and the Gonave Government Portal will still stay the say. Things are slowly changing, and it is starting with administrative stuff first. Go Gonave! ------------------ Akòz yon repons gwo nan men moun nan tout mond lan sou vle konnen plis bagay sou Ayiti ak Gonave , mwen deside li te tan chanje non sa a nan blog la yon ti kras Se pou nou bati Gonave , Ayiti vs Ann bati Ayiti. Ki n

Arirang News - Korea

This video from Korea's Arirang News is how we see Gonave /

Everything posted on this blog is similar to what South Korea did to become a powerful nation in a short time.  Now the South Koreans are taking their model of success to the world, and even has attracted the attention of President Barack Obama.

2 MW Wind Turbine could be used initially to start power on Gonave. / Te kapab 2 MW turbine van ka itilize okòmansman yo kòmanse pouvwa sou Gonave

Creating a power grid on Gonave is key for any sort of development.  Large wind turbines often produce enough energy to power 300 homes.  Given their large size, they still don't live up to their full potential which would power much more than the average 300 US homes. This turbine is a 2 MW turbine which would provide enough power for 300 average US homes.  The cost per unit including installation is $3-4 million.  Creating power on Gonave is very important and is needed to move the economy forward.  A campaign to raise funds to build a 10 MW wind power facility would be the best way to initially start.  Go Gonave! --------------------- Kreye yon pouvwa gri sou Gonave se kle pou nenpòt ki sòt de devlopman. Gwo van turbin souvan pwodwi ase enèji sou pouvwa a 300 kay la. Bay gwo gwosè yo, yo toujou pa viv jiska tout potansyèl yo ki ta pouvwa pi plis pase mwayèn 300 US kay yo .   Turbine Sa a se yon 2 MW turbine ki ta bay as

Always look and be professional! / Toujou gade yo epi yo dwe pwofesyonèl!

Always look and be professional when going out in public.  Many times you will see places where the public will wear clothes that look trashy, saggy, or will act not professional.  In other words act in public as you would in front of your boss. Too many times you will see people who dress provocative and then expect to be treated respectfully.  This can be from not expecting rude comments, but also stares of disbelief.  I don't agree with the comments, but if you wear your clothes sagging off of you, or with your breasts hanging out, don't expect people to treat you seriously, nor expect a rude stare. All in all, Gonave, now is the time to put your best foot forward.  A professional looking person is one that has much at stake, and takes their future seriously.  They are able to go to work and go to dinner and still look very respectable.  Now this is not to say not to be yourself.  I think you can be yourself, but still carry yourself in a very professional way.  B

Review on Gonavian New World Ale, coming soon. / Revize sou Gonavian New World Ale, vini byento.

Just finished the conditioning process of the Gonavian New World Ale.  If you remember a previous blog I was talking about making an Ale that is made from Gonave, and also a Ginger Beer.  Well I started off with the ale. The ale is called "New World" due to the type of hops that are in the beer.  This would be a beer that I will sell and donate money to Gonave in the form of a not for profit.  I have to tell you, I have already tasted the beer, and it is amazing.  I will leave it there, and go into more detail in a later blog.  I will tell you the make up of the beer, the flavor, taste/mouth feel, etc.  So stay tuned! Go Gonave! ----------------------- Jis fini pwosesis la kondisyone nan Gonavian New World Ale la. Si ou sonje yon blog anvan m 'te pale sou fè yon Ale ki te fè soti nan Gonave , epi tou li yon jenjanm byè . Oke mwen te kòmanse koupe ak ale la. Se ale nan ki rele " New World " akòz kalite a nan oublions

Avoid Conflict....Be Courteous/ Evite konfli .... pou yo koutwa

A strong public message should be implemented on Gonave.  To set Gonave apart from many places would be how it deals with conflict or stress.  Ever wonder why the Japanese dealt with the earthquake and the nuclear disaster with such great taste?  Well culturally it is always best to not stand out, and to avoid conflict. Gonave can start it's own campaign where several postings could be created, and even drive the message to students in school. AVOID CONFLICT! / Evite konfli ! BE COURTEOUS! / Pou yo koutwa ! Gonave can create it's own Courtesy Campaign as well.  Let Gonave be the envy of the Western Hemisphere in how its people act in daily life. Go Gonave! ------------------------------- Yon mesaj piblik ki fò yo ta dwe aplike sou Gonave . Yo mete Gonave apa de anpil kote ta dwe li montre kouman li kontra ak konfli oswa estrès. Janm mande poukisa Japonè yo te fè fas ak tranbleman tè a ak dezas la nikleyè ki genyen yon gwo g

Gonave College

To build on educating the population on Gonave, a college should be constructed.  A basic college with 3 different buildings would be able to educate as many as 5,000 people.  Basic subjects could be taught, but also technical degrees for plumbing, electrician, and auto repair could be offered.  In addition to this, Associate Degrees could be available for things such as Business Administration, General Studies, Paralegal, etc.  Bachelor Degrees in nursing, and business also could be achieved. Above are photos of such a college.  It contains three different buildings.  The student population is over 3,000 with plenty of room to expand. For Gonave to have good jobs, education of the entire population is important.  Such a center will be key to bring these jobs.  A mandate that requires all citizens on Gonave to be able to read and write could be passed. Imagine Gonave College being built in a matter of two years. Go Gonave!

Thank You! / Mèsi!

Wanted to say thank you to all of those who venture to this site on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis.  You are from all over the world, and you care about the people of Gonave, Haiti.  With that said, please know that I am still personally working on making a difference for Gonave.  Not only have I got other groups, not-for-profits, and individuals involved, but I also have some citizens of Gonave involved.  So thank you to all of those folks as well. The success of this page has went beyond my imagination.  There are several visits from some individuals daily.  Please continue.  I do this for passion!  I do this for purpose!  Soon I hope to develop a Podcast channel where local talent can show their creativity.  From there people from Gonave and all over the world will be able to go online and listen to talk shows, musical talent, and even radio, all from people FROM Gonave.  Why do you think I wrote a blog talking about forming dance groups? Everyday, inch by inch, we ma

Getting large scale resorts to Gonave / Lè w gwo echèl resorts Gonave

If the idea of turning Gonave into a Special Administrative Region happens, then it is likely that the Bureau of Land Management would be created.  The role of that agency is to make sure that land is developed properly and environmentally correct.  Getting a large scale resort to Gonave would be key to building the economy. Sandals Resorts would be a good company to bring to Gonave.  Not only is the company based in nearby Jamaica, but it could easily purchase land at a discount to build their luxury resort.  It could be possible that the company would have to own the property for a specific number of years.  Gonave could easily sell 30 acres of land to a company like Sandals.  This money then would be used to build up the infrastructure near and around the resort.  As more taxes come in from the resort, that tax money would be put into the large Gonavian economy. Putting at a minimum of 3 resorts on the island would not be a major impact to the local population and if these are

Creating small clinics all over Gonave

A business friend of mine mentioned having several small and modern clinics all over Gonave.  In the most remote places, to places on the island that have larger populations, these mini-clinics could be a solution to Gonave's medical ills. Recently a non-profit church group built a hospital on the island.  This is wonderful, however if someone gets a minor infection, needs some stitches, maybe just feeling a little ill, then these mini-clinics would be better than a full scale hospital.  These clinics would be very modern.  See below of an idea of what the waiting room would look like. These clinics would have 3 to 5 patient rooms, and staffed mainly with nurse practitioners.  These small facilities could be inside other buildings or even be stand alone.  Not only this, but the facilities could be completely self supporting with respect to electricity.  The idea would be to build about a dozen of these facilities around Gonave.  Due to these facilities being open during day

What makes a successful Central Business District?

When you think of a strong and vibrant Central Business District, you think of tall buildings, crowded streets full of cars, sidewalks full of people, and a synergy all of its own. Cities like the one pictured (Seattle) are always evolving.  They started off very humble beginnings, and then become world class cities.  For me all strong cities must have a strong and vibrant downtown.  One key element for Gonave is to turn the entire island into one city.  Given the small island size, and the steep terrain, it would serve best as one city with many neighborhoods.  In a previous blog I wrote about focus cities, which in themselves are not cities, but more of a economic focus of one neighborhood.  Gonave also would need to become a Special Administrative Region and govern itself and build it's own economic policy.  If Gonave does nothing or becomes a nation, like some propose, then it does very little to move the island forward, and could move the island backwards.  Turning the

Creating dance groups on Gonave / Kreye gwoup dans sou Gonave

Something that has caught my interest are dance groups from Korea to Kansas.  While I know Haiti has a very rich history in dance, I thought it would be great to personally finance dance groups on the island of Gonave. I think originally I will have them come up with their own routines, that are not just based on traditional Haitian dance, but a blend of K-pop moves, hip-hop, meringue, etc.  I want these groups to have a minimum of three dancers to as many as twelve.  Possibly having at least 10 different groups that can easily be identified from each other.  Also each group wouldn't have any correlation with the other. I think creating a style that is all Gonave is great.  Initially all of the videos will be on YouTube.  Who knows, maybe local artists can sing and bring these dance groups on.  Possibly have events on Gonave where these dance groups compete against each other.  So far it is just a thought, and something that I can financially cover. Until then. Go Gonave!